
Showing posts from July, 2022

Don't Waste Time! 8 Facts Until You Reach Your Concrete

Installing Concrete Sidewalks at Your New Home

 Concrete sidewalks can vary in shapes, colors and be formed into any shape you can imagine. Before starting on this project, look around at other homes and businesses to see what can be done but don't be limited by what you see. Use your imagination. Colored concrete is available today from most Redi-mix suppliers and concrete color stains are also another way to obtain a beautiful finished product. There are "cast-on" products out there that can provide a non-slip surface, a super hard surface and even anti-spalling compounds that help keep the sidewalk from chipping due to the use of winter salt. Most redi-mix concrete dries in some shade of beige color depending on the color if the sand and Portland cement used. Ask your supplier where he has poured his product and go look at it. This will give you an idea of what the "aged" product will look like later. Once you have decided what color concrete you are going to use, decide what strength concrete you need. I